Dear Member,
Reuters just reported that President Vladimir Putin said, “Russia should aim to sell its oil and gas for roubles globally because the dollar monopoly in energy trade was damaging Russia’s economy.”
I don’t know how else you interpret this…but the #1 oil producing nation just stated clearly that they not only want to end oil for dollars, but the trade is actually harming their economy, so it’s a must that they kill the petrodollar.
This comes off the heels of Russia threatening to halt uranium to the U.S. in response to recent sanctions. America imports about 95% of its uranium, with about 19% of all U.S. electricity coming from nuclear power plants.
It was Marin Katusa who stated in one of our recent interviews to “watch Russia for resource sector disruptions.”
In my opinion, with the resource junior sector down about 75% and a real risk of not only commodity disruptions, but a major drop in the dollar’s value, this is probably one of the best times in the past 3 decades to buy these type of investments.
Look for next week’s Weekly Wealth Digest where we discuss, ‘When the Dollar Collapses.’
Kind Regards,
Daniel Ameduri