
Right now, the focus of is to make sure all readers are as UPDATED as possible on the Covid-19 pandemic.

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Pump gasoline in the tank because this is GOING TO BE a long, winding road until we RESUME NORMALCY.

We had the chance to LOAD UP at the lows when the rest of the world was selling, acting AS CONTRARIANS should, picking up stocks at 30%-50% BELOW their February highs before the FED launched the bazookas, but most of the rebound impact is now BEHIND US; time to lock gains on these short-term, FED-induced profits.

Many BLUE-CHIP names are up as much as 100%, with some EVEN MORE than that.

I expect MUCH MORE stimulus to come from Washington, which is going to need to SUCK-UP to voters by mailing FRESH CASH doses, which is the perfect form of bribery right before Americans need to cast their votes. I expect MUCH MORE from the Federal Reserve, which aims to OVERSHOOT in its support, not the other way around.


As you can see, the MARKET REBOUND has been the FASTEST EVER, so let’s all get real on what can realistically happen next: we forecast that stocks will TRADE IN A RANGE.

While the markets CHURN, the authorities will burn through CASH faster than a DEGENERATE GAMBLER at a Las Vegas high-stakes roulette table:

  1. Nearly $1 trillion in relief for state and local governments is COOKING UP!
  2. A second round of HELICOPTER MONEY INJECTION of $1,200 per person is planned, with up to $6,000 per household.
  3. $175B in AID to help people with rent, mortgage, and utility bills.

93% Of Investors Generate Annual Returns, Which Barely Beat Inflation.

Wealth Education and Investment Principles Are Hidden From Public Database On Purpose!

Build The Knowledge Base To Set Yourself Up For A Wealthy Retirement and Leverage The Relationships We Are Forming With Proven Small-Cap Management Teams To Hit Grand-Slams!

    These three are just the TIP OF THE ICEBERG!

    Each of the two parties is looking to BUY YOUR VOTE with huge bailouts, paid for by none other than your own future self.

    UNSCATHED by this whole ordeal, shares of our FAVORITE royalty stock JUST KEEP ON reaching new highs.

    Franco-Nevada (FNV) is the world’s largest royalty mining company, and its performance since inception has BEEN SPECTACULAR.

    We’ve been FEATURING it for years, even making it part of the TOP 4 blue-chip holdings to own in a bull market (shares are up 100% since the publication of it), so it is NO SURPRISE to us that it’s up nearly 900% since the IPO (not including dividends) and CONGRATULATIONS ARE IN ORDER for shareholders who are in long-term and have held their positions!

    FNV is trading within SPITTING DISTANCE of its all-time highs, as are several of the other LARGE-CAP miners, such as Newmont Mining, who we mentioned one month ago as being the best-performing S&P 500 performer (up 46% in 2020), but the JUNIOR MINERS, the companies that are working on the next wave of producing mines, are STILL CHEAP.

    Franco-Nevada has DELIVERED BIG results for us – 900% in 12 years is stellar performance, but if we NAIL THE RIGHT ONES, our junior miners can return this much in 12 MONTHS, not YEARS!

    This is my mission since we’re CLEARLY in a bull market for gold.


    You can’t have it BOTH WAYS. Running giant deficits, which aren’t adding ONE IOTA to productivity, will bring about a KNEE-JERK REACTION from gold and mining stocks.

    The rest of 2020 will belong to gold.

    I hope you bought tickets because this flight is going SUPERSONIC!


    EXCLUSIVE REPORTS, Featured In This Article and in Others, Which Are Considered ESSENTIAL READING:
    1. Gold Investing – DOWNLOAD HERE!
    2. Trump’s War with Mainstream Media – DOWNLOAD HERE!
    3. Covid-19 Round2 Sell-Off Playbook – DOWNLOAD HERE!
    4. Why The Dollar Is Dead – DOWNLOAD HERE!

    Best Regards,

    James Davis

    Governments Have Amassed ungodly Debt Piles and Have Promised Retirees Unreasonable Amounts of Entitlements, Not In Line with Income Tax Collections. The House of Cards Is Set To Be Worse than 2008! Rising Interest Rates Can Topple The Fiat Monetary Structure, Leaving Investors with Less Than Half of Their Equity Intact!

    Protect Yourself Now, By Building A Fully-Hedged Financial Fortress!

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