When one broaches the subject of bitcoin with an individual unfamiliar with the technology, they should observe initial reactions and how these very reactions may compare to similar instances in the past. By similar instances I’m referring to what people would have...
2015 was a year of enduring strength for bitcoin, the world’s first mainstream cryptocurrency. From what many would call a capitulation phase in the market in January 2015 to a very healthy bull run to close out the year, bitcoin once again proved that it’s here to...
In the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris and subsequent threats in other major population centers around the world (i.e. Belgium & Mali), Bitcoin has come under scrutiny as a preferred medium of exchange for terrorists worldwide. Already European authorities...
Bitcoin is back in the headlines of late due to it’s continued adoption into the mainstream media news cycle in addition to a recent price surge. With Bitcoin hitting a 2015 high of $330 last week and the growing fervor around blockchain technology, excitement has...
Day #2 of the Casey Research Summit echoed the sentiment of the first day (impending collapse, government irresponsibility, etc), however, this session had a more positive focus overall on finding opportunities out of this crisis. When the world is rife with...
I had the pleasure of attending the Casey Research Summit in Tucson, AZ this past weekend and over the next couple of posts I’ll take some time to review the main themes over the course of the 2 days. If you have never attended the Casey Summit in the past, or any...
If you are interested in entering the digital currency market, two ways of doing so are through consistent monthly savings or less frequent speculative bets. Here are the pros and cons of each approach and my recommendation for which technique to utilize given today’s...
Consider scaling into your investments next time you’re looking to buy an undervalued stock. By scaling in, I mean don’t buy it all at once but rather build your position over time and growth with your position as it grows. A way to do this is to split your money into...
Below I’ve listed out a simple savings strategy I’ve utilized to save over 20% of my paycheck. The key for me is “out of sight & out of mind”. Saving in different spots helps keep me honest with the added benefit of diversifying my risk across banks and...
The calls for a cashless society are strengthening. After all, who uses cash these days anyways? I just swipe my credit card, get the points, and pay it off later – no cash needed, right? That, and digital currencies like Bitcoin are coming out and making...