by FMT Staff | 2014 Articles
The housing market is as weak as weʼve ever seen it. Yes, we are aware of bidding wars, 100% government funded loans, and light inventory, but the underlying housing market is like a zombie…Itʼs moving, but itʼs dead, and anyone who touches it could be seriously...
by FMT Staff | 2014 Articles, Weekly Wealth Digest
Dear Member, A few years ago Davis Advisors released a study about the returns for average investors compared to advertised returns from mutual fund companies. The mutual fund industry was advertising a 9.9% annualized return from 1991 to 2010....
by FMT Staff | 2014 Articles
Dear Member, Our last crisis trade given to you on March 28th is up 14%. We are holding that trade currently with a 25% trailing stop. Russia is still dirt cheap so we see that as barely scratching the surface as to the type of gain we are...
by FMT Staff | 2014 Articles, Weekly Wealth Digest
Dear Member, A new analysis by the Employment Policy Institute shows that unemployment for teens ages 16 to 19 years old who don’t have a high school diploma is more than 50% in some of the largest U.S. cities. With the exception of the 19 year...
by FMT Staff | 2014 Articles
Dear Member, With the severe bear market in the resource sector taking silver below $19 per ounce last week and this silver bear market getting very old in age, I think this summer is a great opportunity to start taking some large positions in...
by FMT Staff | 2014 Articles, Weekly Wealth Digest
Dear Member, The answer to this question is actually quite easy. The current global monetary system is unsustainable. The problem is, if you look at the arguments from Doug Casey back in the 1970’s, Ron Paul in the 1980’s, Peter...
by FMT Staff | 2014 Articles, Weekly Wealth Digest
Dear Member, Today, nearly 50% of single-family homes are purchased with all cash by investor pools or other cash buyers, like the Chinese bus tours they do here in my home state of California. With rates at generational lows and the government...
by FMT Staff | 2014 Articles, Weekly Wealth Digest
[su_youtube_advanced url=”” width=”800″ height=”450″ responsive=”yes” controls=”yes” autohide=”alt” showinfo=”yes” autoplay=”no”...
by FMT Staff | 2014 Articles, Weekly Wealth Digest
[su_youtube_advanced url=”” width=”800″ height=”450″ responsive=”yes” controls=”yes” autohide=”alt” showinfo=”yes” autoplay=”no”...
by FMT Staff | 2014 Articles, Weekly Wealth Digest
[su_youtube_advanced url=”″ width=”800″ height=”450″ responsive=”yes” controls=”yes” autohide=”alt” showinfo=”yes”...