Important Real Estate Update

Important Real Estate Update

The housing market is as weak as weʼve ever seen it. Yes, we are aware of bidding wars, 100% government funded loans, and light inventory, but the underlying housing market is like a zombie…Itʼs moving, but itʼs dead, and anyone who touches it could be seriously...
Does Buy and Hold Work?

Does Buy and Hold Work?

Dear Member, A few years ago Davis Advisors released a study about the returns for average investors compared to advertised returns from mutual fund companies. The mutual fund industry was advertising a 9.9% annualized return from 1991 to 2010....
3 New Stock Suggestions – Crisis Investing

3 New Stock Suggestions – Crisis Investing

Dear Member, Our last crisis trade given to you on March 28th is up 14%. We are holding that trade currently with a 25% trailing stop. Russia is still dirt cheap so we see that as barely scratching the surface as to the type of gain we are...
3 Ways to Profit From Silver’s Rise

3 Ways to Profit From Silver’s Rise

Dear Member, With the severe bear market in the resource sector taking silver below $19 per ounce last week and this silver bear market getting very old in age, I think this summer is a great opportunity to start taking some large positions in...