by Daniel Ameduri | The Dissident Dad - Liberty Blitzkrieg
By The Dissident Dad No joke, trying to raise an independent-minded, decent human being in America is like trying to fly through a Category 5 hurricane. For starters, nothing beats some of the toys offered up to kids. For example, you can hone your child’s...
by Daniel Ameduri | The Dissident Dad - Liberty Blitzkrieg
By The Dissident Dad No joke, trying to raise an independent-minded, decent human being in America is like trying to fly through a Category 5 hurricane. For starters, nothing beats some of the toys offered up to kids. For example, you can hone your child’s...
by Daniel Ameduri | The Dissident Dad - Liberty Blitzkrieg
By The Dissident Dad Last week, I chose to take on a different tack and put together a list of 50 things to try instead of, or in addition to, going straight to college. It’s a lengthy list, so only the first 25 were posted last week. Here is the rest of the...
by Daniel Ameduri | The Dissident Dad - Liberty Blitzkrieg
By The Dissident Dad I was wiping off the dust from an old book that I read when I was just 15 years old. I thought I had lost it, but while cleaning out my garage, I discovered it at the bottom of a box, like buried treasure. This specific book changed my life. It...
by Daniel Ameduri | The Dissident Dad - Liberty Blitzkrieg
By The Dissident Dad I felt like shit. After more than 13 months without spanking my children, after taking my time to apologize to them for doing so in the past and even writing an article about why I am against it; on February 27th, I slapped my son on the backside...
by Daniel Ameduri | The Dissident Dad - Liberty Blitzkrieg
By The Dissident Dad Sixteen years ago, fresh out of high school, I remember forking over $3,800 to take a Carlton Sheets real estate coaching program. I desperately wanted to learn about buying real estate in order to make a living without going to college. Just...
by Daniel Ameduri | The Dissident Dad - Liberty Blitzkrieg
By The Dissident Dad “Go to your room!” “Wait until your father gets home… “ “Do you want me to use my belt?” This is what I remember as a child when I was in trouble. My mother spanked me with a wooden spoon. My father used a thick leather belt. Some of you reading...
by Daniel Ameduri | The Dissident Dad - Liberty Blitzkrieg
By The Dissident Dad My kids will be dumb, rejected by their peers, unable to get a job, go to college, or function in society as adults. They will miss out on prom, as well as all the other joys that normal kids get to experience…All these are thoughts that ran...
by Daniel Ameduri | The Dissident Dad - Liberty Blitzkrieg
By The Dissident Dad Across these United States, a fierce vaccination debate has started to flare up, and straw-man arguments are being paraded around as the truth. Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey said he’s for a balanced approach, in which parents have...
by Daniel Ameduri | The Dissident Dad - Liberty Blitzkrieg
By The Dissident Dad “Every heart beats true ‘neath the Red, White and Blue, where there’s never a boast or brag. But should old acquaintance be forgot, keep your eye on the grand old flag.” I remember proudly singing this as a child at school, pounding my heart...